kejadian UNIK, saat minuman PEPSI di SEDOT HABIS oleh semut semut ...

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kejadian UNIK, saat minuman PEPSI di SEDOT HABIS oleh semut semut ...
Here is a fun way to test how much ants like Pepsi.

A bottle cap was filled with Pepsi and placed in a clear location.
At first there were only a few ants.
1This Is What Happens When You Let Ants Near Pepsi
After a few minutes, the ants surround the rim of the cap and the level of Pepsi has dropped.
2This Is What Happens When You Let Ants Near Pepsi
3This Is What Happens When You Let Ants Near Pepsi
In a short time, there are lots of ants in and around the bottle cap and the Pepsi is finished!
4This Is What Happens When You Let Ants Near Pepsi
Total time of the experiment is 1 hour 30 minutes!
5This Is What Happens When You Let Ants Near Pepsi

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