refleksi ANGKASA.. intip KEAJAIBAN ciptaan TUHAN bahwa kita itu .. KECIL bangetttt....
Hubble Telescope image of Tarantula Nebula
Orion Nebula
The Butterfly Nebula with its 3 light year wingspan
A "supermassive" star, hundreds of times larger than our sun, surrounded by obscuring outflowing gas
A Beautiful End to a Star's Life — The "Eskimo Nebula"
The Rose Galaxies
Ghost Nebula
An astounding infrared image of the Carina Nebula captured by the ESO VLT. It's also known as the Grand Nebula because of it's size, brightness, and the many cosmic icons there in, such as: Mystic Mountain, Eta Carinae, and the Keyhole and Homunculus Nebulae
The Witch's Broom Nebula
Hubble Captures View of 'Mystic Mountain'
Billions and billions of stars at the center of our galaxy
The Cat's Eye Nebula
The Ant Nebula
Orion Nebula
Hubble Watches Star Clusters on a Collision Course: Astronomers caught two clusters full of massive stars that may be in the early stages of merging
Andromeda, our next door neighbor
V838 Monocerotis
Bubble Nebula
Diterbitkan Oleh :
Hubble Telescope image of Tarantula Nebula
Orion Nebula
The Butterfly Nebula with its 3 light year wingspan
A "supermassive" star, hundreds of times larger than our sun, surrounded by obscuring outflowing gas
A Beautiful End to a Star's Life — The "Eskimo Nebula"
The Rose Galaxies
Ghost Nebula
An astounding infrared image of the Carina Nebula captured by the ESO VLT. It's also known as the Grand Nebula because of it's size, brightness, and the many cosmic icons there in, such as: Mystic Mountain, Eta Carinae, and the Keyhole and Homunculus Nebulae
The Witch's Broom Nebula
Hubble Captures View of 'Mystic Mountain'
Billions and billions of stars at the center of our galaxy
The Cat's Eye Nebula
The Ant Nebula
Orion Nebula
Hubble Watches Star Clusters on a Collision Course: Astronomers caught two clusters full of massive stars that may be in the early stages of merging
Andromeda, our next door neighbor
V838 Monocerotis
Bubble Nebula
The visible Universe in one photo
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