» 3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini
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Halo arda! Berikut ini 3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini. | |
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| IceFalls In stillness... movement. In chill... warmth. In falling... soft landings. In a moment... a lifetime. There are always dichotomies and contrasts, with their constant opportunity to See Things Different. What's your reality selection? -------------------------------------------------------------- This was amazing in real life as it looks in an image. It was taken near Reno, NV and it haunts me with its endless things to look at.
Photographed with a Canon 5DIII, EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM lens, ... |
| Look! There's a Giant Rubber Ducky in Sydney Harbor
Just saw this while walking around... awesome!
(edit: I see this is called Darling Harbour, which is in Sydney) ...dan 40 foto lainnya. |
Notifikasi ini telah dikirim ke ardanarssss@gmail.com. Tidak ingin menerima pembaruan tak berkala tentang aktivitas dan saran teman Google+? Ubah jenis email yang dikirim Google+ kepada Anda. | |
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