Pria Ini Mengoleksi 20 Ribu Botol Susu Koleksinya berasal dari berbagai penjuru dunia, FOTO ++

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Seorang pria yang membenci cita rasa susu. Namun ternyata, dari kebenciannya itu, ia memiliki obsesi tersendiri, menjadikan botol susu sebagai koleksi.

Kedengaran aneh, namun pria bernama Steve Wheeler tersebut telah mengoleksi sebanyak 20 ribu botol susu dari seluruh penjuru dunia selama 30 tahun. Dari seluruh koleksinya itu, sebanyak lebih dari 17 ribu botol susu berasal dari Inggris, dan 2.500 lainnya dari beberapa negara yang pernah ia kunjungi.

Koleksi botol susu pria berusia 65 tahun ini, disimpan di enam ruangan menyerupai gudang yang terletak di kebun rumahnya yang berlokasi di Malvern, Worcestershire, Inggris.

Ruangan-ruangan tersebut kemudian ia beri nama sebagai museum susu yang menyimpan koleksi botol susu senilai 100 ribu Pound Sterling atau hampir mencapai Rp1,7 milyar.

"Saya memiliki botol susu dari seluruh dunia seperti Australia, Pakistan, Amerika, Kanada dan masih banyak lagi. Yang belum saya miliki adalah botol susu dari Islandia," ujarnya seperti diberitakan Daily Mail.

Kecintaannya pada botol susu dimulai saat ia bekerja sebagai tukang susu di pedesaan. "Saya menyukai cerita di balik botol susu, berapa kali ia berpindah tangan dari tukang susu ke pembeli dan sebaliknya," ucap kakek yang telah memiliki dua orang cucu tersebut.

Walaupun begitu, pria ini mengaku tidak pernah mengkonsumsi susu sejak masih kanak-kanak karena ia membenci rasanya. "Saya tidak suka susu. Itu adalah makanan bayi," katanya.

Got milk? Steve Wheeler, inside his hand-built milk bottle museum. Remarkably the collector has not drank a glass of milk since he was a boy - as he hates the taste of it
Got milk? Steve Wheeler, inside his hand-built milk bottle museum. Remarkably the collector has not drank a glass of milk since he was a boy - as he hates the taste of it

Dedication: The 65-year-old milk bottle fanatic has amassed 16 tonnes of the bottles over the three decades
He said: 'I remember getting my 150th milk bottle and being chuffed but the collection has grown incredibly since'
Dedication: The 65-year-old milk bottle fanatic has amassed 16 tonnes of the bottles over the three decades

The grandfather of two said: 'I remember getting my 150th milk bottle and being chuffed but the collection has grown incredibly since'
The grandfather of two said: 'I remember getting my 150th milk bottle and being chuffed but the collection has grown incredibly since'

Glass diaspora: He said: 'I collect all sorts of things. I¿ve got cereal packets, unused airline sick bags, advertising playing cards, more than 4,500 pens loads of different things'
Glass diaspora: He said: 'I collect all sorts of things. I¿ve got cereal packets, unused airline sick bags, advertising playing cards, more than 4,500 pens loads of different things'

Favourite: His most-prized bottle has a picture of 1950s pin-up Zoe Newton emblazoned across it. She was an actress who featured in the Drinka Pinta Milka Day campaign
Favourite: His most-prized bottle has a picture of 1950s pin-up Zoe Newton emblazoned across it. She was an actress who featured in the Drinka Pinta Milka Day campaign
Favourite: His most-prized bottle has a picture of 1950s pin-up Zoe Newton emblazoned across it. She was an actress who featured in the Drinka Pinta Milka Day campaign

Regal in white: Some of the milk comes with a royal seal of approval
Regal in white: Some of the milk comes with a royal seal of approval

Mr Wheeler says his wife Sue supports his unusual hobby, especially the exotic travel
Mr Wheeler says his wife Sue supports his unusual hobby, especially the exotic travel

The pensioner has a database of more than 3,000 leads for new bottles that he wants to follow up
The pensioner has a database of more than 3,000 leads for new bottles that he wants to follow up

Mr Wheeler wants to set up an official museum to house his collection
Mr Wheeler wants to set up an official museum to house his collection

He said: 'The secret is if you want to collect something then make sure it is fun and make sure it doesn¿t cost anything'He said: 'The secret is if you want to collect something then make sure it is fun and make sure it doesn¿t cost anything'

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UNIC 02 Sep, 2013

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