» 3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini
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Halo ardan! Berikut ini 3 pos teratas untuk Anda di Google+ minggu ini. | |
Konten terpopuler di Google+ | Lihat yang lagi ngetren |
| The force is Strong with Apple iOS 6 MapsEDIT1: The image isn't real, so please don't hijack the thread with troll comments. EDIT2: Some of the commenters are upset with this image so I would like to apologize for hurting their sentim ents. image via: http://imgur.com/y4mmH |
| I Can Guess Your Age http://www.7amazingcreations.com/i-can-guess-your-age/ For this amazing trick you will need a calculator. Now let's begin: Pick a number between 1-10. Instruction 1 – Multiply that number you picked by 2. Instruction 2 – Add 5. Instruction 3 – Multiply that number by 50. Instruction 4 - If you have already had your birthday this year, add 1762. Instruction 5 - If you haven't had birthday this year, add 1761. Instruction 6 - Now subtract... |
| D'awww, Hurricane people!seen in Hoboken, NJPlease reshare , maybe we can reach some people who are out there and they can do the same in their community. #hurricanesandy |
Notifikasi ini telah dikirim ke ardanarsssss@gmail.com.Tidak ingin menerima pembaruan tak berkala tentang aktivitas dan saran teman Google+? Ubah jenis email yang dikirim Google+ kepada Anda. | |
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